Language not a barrier while teaching

Whether you love them or not, being with kids is super fun. My first day at Shlok was no different. 6 of us from Shlok had an important appointment with about 40 naughty kids in Puttenahalli. Our first task – and the most difficult one was to get them to sit down after their happy-go-lucky, top-of-their-voice good mornings! They were about to hear a story about the Lion and a mouse and learn some new big English words that day.

IMG_3148What I have always enjoyed while teaching kids is spotting the mischievous ones. 3 minutes into the class and I was laughing my heart out secretly trying hard to hold a teacher face. But that is the whole fun in teaching. If language was a barrier, I found the kids and me communicating through dumb charades, but getting them to understand the story and teach them something new was the mission.

The children here are not from the most advantageous backgrounds. Parents don’t have the time and money to support sound education plans for their kids. And all this makes teaching in government schools far more difficult. But the good part is the principals and teachers in most of the government schools are very open to help or mentoring the kids. And this is what is helping us get successful.

Every new word learnt, every new story, every new trick to understand better is definitely going to play a part in shaping the way they see things as they grow up. For me, that’s the best use of time ever.

– Juveria Samrin

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